Made with ❤️ by The Village Market.
We are proud to support nonprofits
and community leaders who are actively transforming their community.
Every purchase is circulated right back to our community in the form of village clinics, village grants, and more!
2. an interdependent relationship with action and creation
We donate a generous portion of our proceeds to support those who create innovative and trajectory changing opportunities for our youth.
3. to unconditionally have someone’s back.
The We Got Your Back Grant was created to support community change makers and their passion to enrich the lives of young people in their respected communities.
Just wanted to take the time to say Thank You for your contribution to Black Elephant and making our inaugural event a success!
We are so thankful for your support!

Thank you Village Market for helping my students explore Nicaragua

My heart is happy and joy filled. I give thanks to TVMATL for the kindness and generosity. I am still processing the love and support.

3. to unconditionally have someone’s back.
The We Got Your Back Grant was created to support community change makers and their passion to enrich the lives of young people in their respected communities.
Just wanted to take the time to say Thank You for your contribution to Black Elephant and making our inaugural event a success!

We are so thankful for your support!

Thank you Village Market for helping my students explore Nicaragua

My heart is happy and joy filled. I give thanks to TVMATL for the kindness and generosity. I am still processing the love and support.